l = R*(1-cos(a)) + B*(1-sqrt(1-(R/B*sin(a)).^2)) ;
solex120 a écrit:Explication sur le lien entre l'avance linéaire (en mm) et l'avance angulaire (en degré)
une illustration :
le calcul :
R = 40/2 ; % demi-course
B = 90 ; % longueur de la bielle
a : avance angulaire
l : avance linéaire
l = R*(1-cos(a)) + B*(1-sqrt(1-(R/B*sin(a)).^2)) ;
WiWi_Solex a écrit:Voici ce que j'ai sur le réglage de cet allumage:
Advance curve for analog coils PVL# 479 100 und PVL# 479 101
Coil: PVL# 479 100 Stator: PVL# 000 1075 or PVL# 000 1077
Rotor: PVL „not defined“
Setup to get these advance curve at the engine crankshaft:
1. Find TDC
2. Turn the crankshaft 21° against the normal moving direction and fix it there.
3. Mount stator and Rotor with markings corresponding to each other.
4. Remove the crankshaft fixing.
 The markings on Stator and Rotor are corresponding between 4000rpm and 7000 rpm.
WiWi_Solex a écrit:Voici ce que j'ai sur le réglage de cet allumage:
Advance curve for analog coils PVL# 479 100 und PVL# 479 101
Coil: PVL# 479 100 Stator: PVL# 000 1075 or PVL# 000 1077
Rotor: PVL „not defined“
Setup to get these advance curve at the engine crankshaft:
1. Find TDC
2. Turn the crankshaft 21° against the normal moving direction and fix it there.
3. Mount stator and Rotor with markings corresponding to each other.
4. Remove the crankshaft fixing.
 The markings on Stator and Rotor are corresponding between 4000rpm and 7000 rpm.
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